Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pityriasis Rosea And Sunbeds

just mad

By: Paul Latapí Wednesday July 19, 2006 He was seen as the possibility of turning to traditional systems of government in Mexico and to solve problems and centuries of marginalization, poverty and lack of opportunity for most Mexicans. "First the poor", it sounded good because if the poor are good the rest of the country is good. But again, "was" past time, before it reached the moment of truth, July 2, the day that about 42 million Mexicans were to vote in the polls. That day, more than half a million people, all people like you and me, every vote counted and found, at the time the information gathered in the 300 District Councils, that the vote not favored López Obrador. And I turn the vote around López Obrador because he is today who know the score, the count of citizens and collating records of the District Councils. In this space always gave him the privilege of the doubt López Obrador as a viable alternative for the country, but for various reasons having to do with their contempt for the presidency, the very little moral quality of his closest collaborators and their inability to add to business groups, 80 percent of those eligible to vote because they were recorded in the Padrón "no" vote for him. They preferred to Felipe Calderón (who was awarded a very slight advantage), Roberto Madrazo, the other candidates, annulled their vote or just plain do not give a damn about the election and did not go to the polls. Suman, who "no" vote for López Obrador, 80 percent of the electorate. But Lopez Obrador was "programmed" to win. Since the governor of Tabasco sought his project was to reach the presidency. Worked hard, consistently, endured rod in the PRD, and to reach the Head of the Federal District was constantly in the field (doing important things despite the sea of \u200b\u200bcorruption scandal of his colleagues) and during the beginning of the campaign was viable and strong candidate from the race. Lose the choice (or more accurately have information about his defeat) has upset. Just as the power has gone crazy to many, it drove him nuts not to come to power. It has dismissed the IFE, the citizens who were polling officials, the representatives in his own party box, Preliminary Results Program, the District Count, and it is preparing us all to ignore the verdict of the Electoral Tribunal in the case it is not in their favor. It could be done by vote recount, as required in blackmail demonstrations and protests, the math does not fail, but he is not willing to accept the result. Who has faced are in his favor and those against, a battle that in many circles ríspidos reaches levels. Something we had not seen in our country. At a stroke, and with his shrill voice from the Zocalo, is cracking the institutions without anyone having a counterbalance. From his side has the caprice and anger of the most bitter, and against only isolated voices that until now have not been listening. His madness is rounding up the institutional channels. Http://


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