Saturday, July 1, 2006
How To Evolve Onix In Emulator
Taken from article by Flor Berenguer, Reforma Newspaper, Magazine Vertigo of March 13, 2004 and February 26, 2005, newspaper El Universal on November 22, 2005 column Ricardo Route Political German and supplies. The newspapers are there, the official records as well. Blame the murder on a 2 years to prevent his victory, was the work of the PRD and has used that argument for long. Now that the situation is reversed against AMLO say it's "plot? Here are the facts: Andrés Manuel López Obrador was born in Tepetitlán, Tabasco on November 1, 1953 and studied the primary school "Marcos E. Becerra" continuing in the official secondary his people the first year of high school and there he loses track of his studies but says he graduated in Political Science from UNAM, a title that no one has seen and hard to believe because of their small and poor vocabulary and total ignorance of the legal forms government. If you actually study there, nobody knows and it would be worth finding out thoroughly. He who wants to change the economic model the country-Andrés Manuel López Obrador failed that subject in college. According to school records issued by the UNAM, López Obrador was 6.2 in average (based on credits earned, ie, still owes materials) where he studied Political Science. In the PRD's academic history is recorded that he entered the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UNAM in 1973. But 14 years later, in 1987, was still presenting special examinations to pass the subject of Thesis Seminar I and II. Registration number 7370246-5, López Obrador has seven unapproved materials, including economics that failed in two consecutive semesters. The same happened with Mathematics and Statistics, where not approved or special examinations. To make matters worse, the candidate of the Aztec sun barely passed the materials on Political Parties, Social Psychology and Political Philosophy. In fact, has 13 "S" of 38 subjects in total, which according to the UNAM is a score that marked as "enough." On May 14, 1962 killed with a .22-caliber revolver to his brother José Ramón. To avoid jail the whole family flees to Agua Dulce, Veracruz where the trace lost family to emerge in 1975 in the Indian National Institute of Tabasco, where he worked through its affiliation with the PRI, the party they belonged until 1993. In 1988 he lost the internal nomination for governor and wins Roberto Madrazo. Then published the book "a victim of fraud." Try again for governor in 1993 and lost again against Salvador Neme and then passed to the PRD and published "Between history and hope. "In this second attempt met Nico, your current driver and secretary. His team also to call for civil society to a peaceful resistance, López Obrador political figures moving as if on a chessboard. Its main Now operators and weavers of civic networks to prevent lawlessness and to promote alternative national project are former PRI stalwarts, two were former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Unspeakable for city government leader: Manuel Camacho Solis and Marcelo Ebrard. Sumando the weavers of networks and is aligned to find key pieces that occupy the most important leaders of the PRD: the national with the former governor of Baja California Sur, Leonel Cota, and the capital city, the PRD stronghold more important, with its unconditional Marti Batres. Why Leonel Cota Montaño, they ask them to PRD. The Secretary of the Federal District, Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez, justifies the application of Cota Montano: "There is a restructuring of the party system in the country." It is certainly the correct answer when one recalls that Cota left the tricolor when he could not be a candidate for governor in Baja California Sur by the PRI, as did another of his political operatives, in Zacatecas, Ricardo Monreal. On the other hand, Marti Batres, with the approval Andrés Manuel good, seek the presidency of the PRD in the capital. Batres is son-in René Bejarano, and now has the mission to preserve the supremacy of the PRD in Mexico City and work for the project of AMLO. When Marti was coordinator of the Mexico City Legislative Assembly wrote: "Ours is a good government. Here there is no Cabal Peniche Marios Villanueva. Merinos here nor there nor Parceros López Peña Garavito. Sooner rather than later denied this story: the PRD began to emerge Bejaranos, Smoked, Ponce and Flores. With the exception of Batres and Encinas, López Obrador operators and people that will make the campaign formed outside the PRD and now parallel to the party formed the National Committee of Support. Stresses in this the presence of Manuel Camacho Solis, who for many years was close to former president Carlos Salinas. Today he is regarded as the brain of the proposed López Obrador. Unspeakable was strategist, but he distanced himself when appointed Luis Donaldo Colosio as a candidate for president of the republic. Marcelo Ebrard, who was removed from office by President Fox as Secretary of Public Security and now accused in a lawsuit over the case Tlahuac, was a former PRI member who was responsible for the direction of Government and the Ministry of Government during the regency Camacho Solís. Later he founded the Democratic Centre Party by contending for leadership of the government and declined in favor of López Obrador. You are now in a key position, the Ministry of Social Development, an area that will position it to an important sector of the population: single mothers, youth, disabled and elderly people will not hesitate to give unconditional support to the head of government in its plan against lawlessness. With the sympathy of the popular sectors and the support of Lopez Obrador, Ebrard could be the natural candidate of the PRD to the head of government in 2006. Socorro Diaz is another key and was closely linked to Salinas. Resigned from the PRI After his frustrated desire to rule Colima, which was snatched by Carlos de la Madrid Virgen. Just remember in 1988 when he won the presidential sash whom he defeated "fraudulently" Cuauhtemoc Cardenas. César Raúl Ojeda is also the senator who was the candidate of the PRD government of Tabasco and a close friend of Carlos Ahumada. Of it is said that during his campaign spared no resources Argentine businessman. But make sure you never had nothing to do. Contradictions Andrés Manuel said to be modest, a Republican, and yet honored, "Travel in a chauffeur Tsuru but his salary paid Secretary. Your child is transported in an armored Grand Cherokee. She says not having bodyguards but 6 women trained caregivers called "gazelles" that are actually called police although the hostesses. Her clothes are imported and expensive. Take a personal relationship with Yedickol Polevsky Wurvitz Canacintra still vice president and in addition to being "Totally Palacio" hides a dark secret that led her to change the name and last name without legal proceedings. Talk about honesty and he personally contract Gustavo Ponce, a personal friend of Carlos Imaz, husband of Claudia Sheimbaum the Ministry of Environment and the most powerful figure in his cabinet and Rene Bejarano was his private secretary when the incident occurred videos . "The worth of milk and school supplies only change in Giant where you installed the modules and allowed Metropolitan catafixia alcohol and cigarettes. With inefficient government vouchers supplies stationery caused the bankruptcy of neighborhood affected by populist measure and milk vouchers neighborhood bakeries that defended the sale of milk. -Bejarano, Batres and Padierna, central characters in the life of AMLO were the intellectual fathers of fraud Betty milk contaminated with feces that caused a stir the past six years. Now it follows Bejarano Jalisco trial for money laundering, and has another record in Puebla for fraud in the 80's and is a known invasive Padierna and lid of leaders from street also wanted for money laundering. "As for the work, spare, has been to build useless things like the ugly ridges Reform, nobody uses the bike paths, steps that lead to more road traffic knots. All of these monumental works are in the form of trust, no bid and no one can figure out how or to whom assigned. The elderly and single mothers "employees" of the DF via pension should go to all the marches and demonstrations on pain of losing sinecures. "The City is the only entity that does not pay directly from its budget for teachers. "The City is the only entity that did not accept the People's Insurance because it says the service providers should be free and yet the worst hospital in the country are dependent on City where the bathrooms are filthy, no medicines and doctors and nurses in the hallway selling tacos to buy Merthiolate and bandages. Blind people with illusions A people without memory is a nation without history. This appears to be Mexico, a country that practices the custom of cats. Burying the past is very common in Mexico, especially when this could become annoying, or definitely detrimental to the purpose intended, whether both economic and political. No one in Mexico is a long-term, conform to live only in the moment. Mexicans are a people who live deluded or self-deception likes. The eternal hope that soon they will become bitter as those that appeared to be their Messiah are the same thing a few years. And, the "water to water", just as wine goes. Excited for a few pesos to the elderly receive as alms, the people of Mexico City is deceiving, the degree to confuse the gift with true social justice, which always go beyond the commercial or propaganda for which it uses as electoral bait and fascistic that noble merchandise reminiscent actor Arturo de Cordova in the movie "God bless you." Film history of the last century that is valid in these times where with a few pence you can buy and plant consciousness in times of famine and crisis. This is Mexico, a town devoid of memory, a nation without history, a conglomerate that will soon forget the recent past and most remote of his men in "power." Blinded by the illusions and mirages of the time, his memory is erased with a few pesos attitude becomes violent and "critical", as some dogs come to defend the scraps you give them. On a violent, unstable, irritable and easily can be changed and tantrums be forgotten. And, magically, no one remembers their actions to the burning of oil wells in Tabasco chinampas. There is nothing wrong with Mexico City, and less when the incumbent government apply its law as having particular troupe to the Assembly. It is clear that "Jupiter" thunderbolts divided gold and silver. Has well served the pollsters and the media. Tolerant of corruption López Obrador was aware of the irregularities committed political operator and right arm in the Legislature, said Bejarano in a third video presented on Wednesday night and shot in July 2003. Until tonight the governor of the capital is the worst week of his life. Overshoot to restore its position, staggers, hesitates. But the third video I decided to take the bull by the horns. Ribbon office, "also exhibits the businessman Carlos Ahumada, a couple of chairs and background voice is heard Bejarano Martinez:" I have done many things to Andrés that not everyone would do, but many ...". Bejarano in the conversation suggests that AMLO knew their "business" but says she never asked him and "if I fall, but of course I'd rather not say many things, but he assumes that I do many things, I say, he does not even know ask me. " But Andrés Manuel explains that "knows what I did, because it is implicit ... because I was the operator, that if we fall one day, it was me, not him. Clear that going to hit him, but me. " Indeed, as Assemblyman Bejarano's permission, presented his resignation as member of the PRD and faces a criminal investigation, while the chase short AMLO saying that with both players in the scandal was only related to employment matters. " Handling and Violence at the University Throughout the rector Juan Ramon de la Fuente has been a kind of symbiosis between the group occupying the rectory and a large segment of the PRD, especially the one identified with the presidential candidacy of López Obrador. This group of PRD has promoted the recovery of the UNAM budget, has maintained control of conflicting groups related to the PRD, in favor of the steering, while De la Fuente has placed major PRD in strategic positions of their own home studios. At the same time the rectory of Juan Ramon de la Fuente has granted promotions and academic awards to researchers close to AMLO, the rectory while De la Fuente has cracked down on those scholars who have questioned the management of López Obrador in Mexico City, as was the case of those who criticized the work of the second floor. The rector of the UNAM has made the greatest house of studies in an area favorable to Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Why should rule out the hypothesis that the sector PRD presidential candidate only related party of the institutional left behind the recurrence of cheerleading. But then who? In colleges and university faculties is a growing concern for what is known as the Alliance de la Fuente-López Obrador, and there are growing reports that since the steering is pressed and to punish students and teachers who demonstrate against delivery UNAM the PRD of Andrés Manuel. And many of those who measure the evolution of national political and electoral events and the role of the UNAM in the process, do not rule out the reappearance of cheerleading is encouraged from the rectory of Juan Ramon de la Fuente, pressure as a measure to contain the groups opposed to the governing alliance with the sole presidential candidate. It does not seem far-fetched version, as are many testimonies of students and parents who say that the thugs enjoy total impunity, not only to the university authorities, but to the Federal District, which do not act so inexplicable to stop the dope, let alone on college campuses, but on the street. Why act with such impunity joints? Because they have the protection of university and government authorities. And yes, they can say they have been expelled hundreds of joints, but there is evidence many of them were not thugs, but activists groups called radical left anything related to Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Play with fire, and can burn. A left to be left behind Lopez Obrador has tried to pander to the business community, getting mixed results. Until recently, enjoyed the favor of some of Mexico's most powerful tycoons. At the request of Lopez Obrador, the richest man in Latin America, Carlos Slim Helu, has invested billions of dollars in a renovation of downtown Mexico City. The new Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico will soon become one of the first new buildings in the center Recently refurbished historic. Real estate barons of the city joyfully joined the effort, and then said the Head of Government was cultivating ties with the powerful titans of Monterrey in northern Mexico. That support evaporated after the corruption scandals, and now there is a palpable uneasiness in the business community regarding the Head of Government. His public statements regarding the law and order, with its emphasis on social justice rather than legal, have put many people nervous. "A business community where it will be absolutely terrified of the country if Obrador wins," said a prominent businessman. López Obrador's image evokes a left to more and more scholars and political thinkers want to leave. These reformers want the PRD develop a modern economic policy and to redefine the party's vision on the United States. Mexican politicians and intellectuals of all stripes know that attacking the U.S. is an easy way to get public support, and anti-American left has been more than any other political bloc. "The repudiation of the United States seems to be a kind of determinism," says Aguayo. But in his view, the left itself is damaged, for example, in defending the rights of workers Mexican immigration, together with an open immigration policy, while criticizing the United States at every opportunity. this if it is a comple ... Informational Peje Lopez Obrador = = = AMLO MALO. If you inform, whether to pursue enforcement of the Act is to make a plot, this one is. René Bejarano
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