Monday, May 9, 2011

Tattos For Skinny Men

NEED A DEEP AND SERIOUS DEBATE ON THE POSSIBILITY OF FASLFICACION digital signatures and certificates .. Another disadvantage visible digital signature is that its security depends on the private key, ie if the private key that is committed for some reason, then it compromises the security of digital signature, this means that can be used by unauthorized individuals and events.

I hear, I see, no ...
Depositarios de la Clave Digital

Desventajas de la firma digital

Quizá la más notable desventaja actual de la firma digital en contra de la firma autógrafa, es que  la primera no es valida legalmente aun en muchos países. Parece ser que esto obedece a una transición natural de esta nueva tecnología, que por lo tanto existe un rechazo en su aceptación a pesar de los grandes beneficios que proporciona. 

 ¿Estando in these hands you the key
certify a purchase?
The head of the ULP has failed to pay bills from 2006 that demanded it
the Tribunals Provincial Accounts (*)
visible Another disadvantage of digital signatures is that their security depends on the private key, that is, that if the private key is compromised for any reason, then it compromises the security of digital signature, this means you can be used by individuals and events unauthorized.
A further disadvantage is that the digital signature is changing as technology advances and this means that certain documents may be compromised. So you have to create methods to avoid this.
Finally we give a conclusion about it. Trying to be as positive as in the case and taking into account the majority of opinions that have appeared in this regard, we note that the digital signature will have a gradual acceptance in the main business and financial processes. In this transition both digital and handwritten signatures will coexist for a considerable period. Regarding the use of one or another firm, it is prudent to consider that the technology should be used and exploited, therefore, should consider a digital signature as the most viable alternative, and gradually take this technology for new procedures generally make use of computers. Leave only for the cases legally disabled, in the signature.
On the other hand it is noteworthy that not only the digital signature h has appeared in the last 25 years of digital technology, likewise we have issues related to legal proceedings, we have Digital Notary, attest to the creation of documents or facts very similar technology to the digital signature. Also, a forensic analysis of computers involved in investigating crimes and crimes using computers.

D. Jose de Jesus Angel Angel
Master of Science.

Crackeando Digital Certificates
What is a digital certificate?
A Digital Certificate is a digital document by which a trusted third party (a Certification Authority) ensures the link between identity of a person or entity and its public key.
While there are several formats for digital certificates, the most commonly used are governed by the ITU-T X.509 standard. The certificate usually contains the name of the entity certified, serial number, expiration date, a copy of the public key of the certificate holder (used for digital signature verification) and the digital signature of the authority issuing the certificate so that the receiver can verify that the latter has really established the association.

In other words, digital certificates and passwords are often important, as are people bancarias.pero passwords this is not so easy. These certificates are password protected. ----------------
In this tutorial will teach a crack to gain access to this information.
first thing we need to be a cracker called Cracker12 that only runs on Windows
can be downloaded from their official website in two languages, English and Españoluna Once downloaded unzip it.


to make it run then we will:
 Start> Run> CMD 
after opening the console, type the following:
 D: \\ brute12> brute12.exe certificado.pfx diccionario.txt 
In this case, select the folder where is the cracker in my PC.
the certificate and the dictionary should be in the same directory.
once written, we give to enter, and began to crack.
we leave something like this while Crack:
 [*] Start 
The current date / time is: Mon Mar 31 12:43:12 2008
tested Words: 1000
The current date / time is: Mon Mar 31 12:43:14 2008
tested Words: 2000
The current date / time is: Mon Mar 31 12:43:16 2008
tested Words: 3000
The current date / time is: Sat Mar 31 December : 43:17 2008

This means you are testing with all the words from our dictionary.
this process will continue until the end and find the pass. will say something like this:
Code: PKCS12
password: 1234
The current date / time is: Mon Mar 31 12:44:59 2008 ANTHRAX

(*) ECA Agreement which requires monthly accountable Bañuelos

Agreement No. 144-TC-2006 in the City of San Luis, capital of the province of the same name, Argentina, ten days of August two thousand and six, meeting the Board of Agreements Honorable Court of Auditors, Members of the same: CPN. Armando Dugena Endeiza-President, "Dr. Sergio Thomas Oste, Dr. Lilia Ana Novillo-Members," said;
HAVING SEEN: File No. 1587-TC-06, titled "UNIVERSITY OF PUNTA. Analyze requests exceptions for Decentralized Organizations in Article No. 40 paragraph 15 of the Act VI-0166-2004 (5454-R) of the Court of Auditors. "And, WHEREAS: fs. 1, 2 and 3 this case the Chancellor of the University of La Punta, Ms. Alicia Bañuelos, this Agency has requested to kindly look into the possibility of including the university within the exceptions provided for in Article 40 paragraph 15) of Law No. VI-0166 -2004 (5454), Organic Law of the Court of Auditors, to the decentralized agencies, which, if the proceedings for consideration of the Accountant General of the Fiscal Agency CPN. Ramon Ernesto Liendo, raises fs draft agreement. 14 and 15 car; That Law No. II-0034-2004 (5551R) creates the Provincial University of San Luis, as public legal persons, endowed with institutional autonomy and academic and financial economic autarky, which exercised within the limits and the scope provided by this Act , the regulations issued in pursuance thereof; That, by Decree No. 6334-MP-2004, promulgate regulations for the Management of Financial Management Provincial University of San Luis, Universidad de La Punta-established in the same accounting systems to use the skills, preparation of financial statements, the Investment Account, Internal Audit, the Register of Real Property, Procurement Regime, etc., That the Agreement No. 83-TC-82, establishes the rules to be respected by the rendering of accounts, which in this case are set forth in Article 4, subparagraphs a), b), c), d) g ), in which the formalities have accountabilities and to surrender receipts must be original, whereas that collides with the requirements of national drug control agencies, fiscal and social security, and provincial, which required to keep their home in the original documentation supporting the purpose of any investigation; That the Court of Auditors in its jurisdiction, Article 40, paragraph 9 - "determine the rules and requirements which must be complied accountabilities to rise to the Tribunal ", and paragraph 15:" You can set for the various agencies of the central government decentralized, other Accountability systems and / or control when required the same. "-So , members of the Honorable Court of Auditors, in exercise of its powers, AGREE: Article 1: To establish that the accountabilities of the University of La Punta, apply each month containing the following requirements: a) Cover indicating the number; amount, name of the entity that pays and rendered period. b) Note by elevation, signed by competent authority. c) A monthly financial statement with information analytical expenses, chronological date of the relationship of vouchers, such receipts, payee, amount, payment order number, check number and legal instrument authorizing. The detailed, shall be given a chart of accounts and in accordance with Decree No. 6334-MP-2004. d) Copy of bank book and bank reconciliations actualizadas.-Article 2: All original any supporting documentation of events and operations that create economic quantitative and qualitative changes must be maintained by the Agency in an orderly and chronological review purposes and control by the Court of Auditors and other control agencies competentes.-Article 3: Report to the Ministry of Capital, to the Provincial Directorate of Accounts, the Programme Management, Control and Public Expenditure Management-Sub-Treasury program and the University of La Punta to the ruling this Agreement.The-Article 4: Register, Please, be published in the Official Gazette of the Province and Archívese.-Sold the subject matter of this Agreement is terminated the same .-

If someone feels undermined its good name and honor and knows .
Duty and right of vindication

; ; ; Article 28
Any public official or employee of the administration who is accused of crimes committed in the course of their duties are required to acknowledge to vindicate, on pain of dismissal, and has the benefit of free process.
Amicus Curiae


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