Saturday, May 7, 2011

Do You Weigh Less After Taking A Dump

THAT BECOMES A FANTASTIC DREAM CHILDREN ....¿ will be a new road to the presidency .. Is this finally the new road to the presidency ..?

the advice of Dr. Jossep Goebbels (*)
... Vamo vamo with La Punta!

Each loco is your issue

Why the WIFI can use it all day and the boys from home and not only some of them on atena?

Is it a new way to office ..?

launch a capsule at

stratosphere from San Luis
Journal Editorial Writer of the Republic
The probe will perform a flight 2 hours. The launch will be in the Astronomical Park La Punta, on 19 May in the framework of the 6th Congress of Space Technology. The device will reach 35 km. Looking support scientific and technological development, the University of La Punta (ULP) will host the 6 th Space Congress, organized by the Argentina Association for Space Technology (AATE). The event will take place from 18 to 20 May, as part of the proposal will be the launch of the capsule stratospheric "Project Clementina." The launch will be on the campus of Park Astronomical La Punta (PALP) on 19 May at 8:00, dependiendo de las condiciones climáticas.

Cada loco son su tema

Por las dudas ....El Dip Braberman  & Alicia Bueñuelos visitaría Irán ¿Será un nuevo camino hacia la presidencia..?

¿Será este finalmente el  nuevo camino hacia la presidencia..?    (*)
Ahora el servicio técnico de las notebook demoran meses y algunas no vuelven más ....

                                                                                                                                                  Juan José

(*) Unconfirmed


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